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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Dr. James E. Mace Memorial Holodomor Fund

12 May, 2004 - 00:00

A special “Dr. James E. Mace Memorial Holodomor Fund” has been established by the Ukrainian Federation of America (UFA), Dr. Zenia Chernyk; Chairperson and Vera Andryczuk, President, announced on Wednesday, April 7.

Dr. Zenia Chernyk, chairperson of the Federation’s board of directors, said, “The special memo rial fund to honor the life and work of Dr. James E. Mace, will be administered as part of the program of the UFA, a non- for-profit USA charitable and educational organization organized in 1991.

“The UFA is dedicated to the preservation of Ukrainian culture and heritage and providing assistance to Ukraine in its drive for full democracy as well as social and economic advancement.”

“Donated funds will be used to support the Holodomor Education and Exhibition Program in Ukraine, that Dr. Mace has been involved in,” according to Vera Andryczuk, UFA president, “and other projects to honor Dr. James Mace’s commitment to telling the truth about the genocidal famine in Ukraine during 1932-1933, as approved by the Federation in consultation with Dr. Mace’s wife, Natalia Dziubenko- Mace and a special Holodomor Advisory Committee to be appointed by the UFA.”

Mrs. Mace is, in her own right, an outstanding and long-time researcher and writer about the Ukrainian Holodomor 1932-1933 (terror famine, death by famine.) The UFA welcomes suggestions from interested parties about the implementation of the new fund and the future programs it will undertake.

Donations to the “Dr. James E. Mace Memorial Holodomor Fund” can be made by making out a check or other financial instrument to the Ukrainian Federation of America, in US dollars, designating the donation for the “Dr. James E. Mace Memorial Holodomor Fund,” and mailing the check to:

Dr. Zenia Chernyk, Chairperson Ukrainian Federation of America (UFA) 930 Henrietta Avenue Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania 19006-8502