Russian human rights activists convene National Public Constitutional Forum
Human rights activists and political scientists announced the convention of the National Public Constitutional Forum on December 12, 2010, to discuss the social actions program to protect the Constitution and the rights of Russian citizens. The statement says that their goal is to develop an actions program regarding the protection of the Constitution and citizen’s rights, as well as outlining the conditions for dialog with the government. The document was signed by the head of the Moscow Helsinki Group Lyudmila Alekseyeva, the president of the Glasnost Protection Foundation Alexei Simonov, the lawyer Yurii Schmidt, human rights activists Sergei Kovalev, Yurii Ryzhov, and Georgii Satarov.
“The events of recent months have demonstrated that the system of the ‘government vertical’ is incompetent and uncontrolled. Law enforcement bodies completely lost their main constitutional function — to ensure citizens’ security and protect their rights. The government’s inability to prevent fires, quickly contain them, and protect people from smog showed that governmental bodies are not capable of solving either daily or emergency problems. The practice of manually steering such a huge country collapsed, and chaos is growing every day,” the statement says. Human rights activists also invite all other independent civic society organizations to take an active part in the activities.
Nazarbayev to run for fourth term
President Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan is planning to run for a new presidential term in 2012, the head of state’s political advisor Ermukhamet Yertysbayev announced. “I saw the president of the country on September 3, and we had a meaningful conversation. Nursultan Nazarbayev, President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Leader of the Nation, is going to nominate himself for president in the 2012 presidential elections,” Yertysbayev said last Thursday, September 16, in an interview with the Kazakhstan newspaper Svoboda slova. The advisor recalled that, according to the amendments made to the country’s constitution in 2007, Nazarbayev is authorized to run for presidency for an unlimited number of terms. Yertysbayev denied the rumors that Kazakhstan’s authorities are going to hold a referendum, rather than a presidential election, in 2012. “There will be elections, for nobody can flout the Constitution. There will be no referendum on an extended or lifetime term in office. This is just a rumor,” he assured the newspaper. The current seven-year presidential term will be limited to five years from 2012 onwards. Mr. Nazarbayev, 70, has been president of Kazakhstan since April 1990.
McCain concerned about the new Ukrainian government
Senator John McCain, ex-candidate for the US presidency, told the Parliamentary Forum of the Community of Democracies in Washington that he is concerned about the situation in Ukraine. “I am concerned about some aspects of the new Ukrainian government’s activities. I am aware that they were [legitimately] elected, but I am worried about the continuation of close relations with Russia,” Voice of America quotes McCain as saying. The senator also added: “I am worried about corruption in the government, but I also hope that in the course of time Ukraine will continue to become more democratic.” McCain also assured democratic forces in Eastern Europe that, in spite of the US administration’s position, they can rely on the support of US lawmakers. McCain believes that the Barack Obama administration’s officials should pursue a more active policy towards Eastern Europe. In his words, the societies in this region, especially those in the former Soviet countries, are still not free.
Regional tourism to be developed by Ostroh Academy
The development of the tourism infrastructure in Rivne oblast will take place within the framework of the project “Zakhidna Brama” (Western Gate).The officials of the Rivne Oblast State Administration have decided to cooperate with the Ostroh Academy, due to the fact that this university already has some scholarly background in the sphere of tourism.
According to the concept of the oblast officials, Rivne oblast is to become a powerful economic center, in addition to being a major tourist destination. The project envisages regular plane service to Rivne in near future. Markets will be moved to the outskirts of the city. A modern social technology center will be created to promote harmonious development.
There is also a suggestion to create an ethnopark in Rivne, Ukraine in Miniature. It will be a recreation complex with museums, replicas of historical places and castles of Ukraine, and a craftsmen’s village.
These will be large-scale initiatives. To implement them, Deputy Head of the Rivne Oblast State Administration Oleksii Hubanov is planning to involve foreign investors, along with the local actors — from the city administration to rank and file citizens.
At the Ostroh Academy the work of the group engaged in the development of the tourist potential of the region will be coordinated by Olena Shershniova, lecturer at the department of documentation and information activities. She has been working on the problem of information support for the minor towns of Rivne oblast.
The Academy is going to present their work in several months. Meanwhile, according to Shershniova, they will be working to create a powerful Internet portal at Ostroh, which would contain information on tourist routes in Rivne and neighboring oblasts in Ukrainian and major international languages. This will allow to attract not only Ukrainian enthusiasts of active leisure, but also tourists from abroad, since the region abounds in Polish, Jewish, and other historical and religious monuments.
By Oleksii KOSTIUCHENKO, Ostroh
Hero firefighter, and blacksmith on the side
Next to the administrative building of the regional directory of the Ministry of Emergencies in Donetsk, a memorial to the world’s rescuers appeared. A two meter high sculpture shows the globe held in the strong, reliable hands of firefighters, who are on the watch for natural disasters and man-made catastrophes.
It is noteworthy that the author of the new monument is Yevhen Shcherbakov, a firefighter of the emergencies ministry and a resident of the town of Snizhne. As the amateur sculptor himself confessed, for many years he had been spending his free time in a little forge, learning the secrets of the trade all by himself. He considers a blacksmith’s work to be a truly manly profession — just like his main job.
By Serhii KOROBCHUK, Donetsk