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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Hans-Jurgen HEIMSOETH: I feel at home in Ukraine

11 November, 2008 - 00:00
Photo by Kostiantyn HRYSHYN, The Day

Today the “Our Country through the Eyes of Foreigners” column introduces Hans-Jur­gen Heimsoeth who assumed the office of Ambassador Extraordinary and Pleni­poten­tiary of Germany to Ukraine in the late summer of 2008. Like we do with all the foreign ambassadors accredited in Uk­raine, foreign politicians, and experts, we have asked him to answer the following two questions:

1. What kind of Ukraine did you see or discover for yourself? What struck you the most out of what you have seen or heard?

2. Please name three reasons why one should love Ukraine.

1. Above all, what pleasantly struck me is Ukraine’s diversity, although I knew it is a big country. Also impressive are the differences that exist between the re­gions and how independent of the situation in Kyiv they are in their development. I saw very quickly that Kyiv is not whole Ukraine. Thanks to the Weeks of German Culture, I managed to travel all over Ukraine. I visited Donetsk, Uzhhorod, Kharkiv, and Yalta. I could see that these regions continue to develop, although Kyiv seems to be in certain stagnation.

I also noticed one common feature that is common to young people in Donetsk, Uzhhorod, and other places. They all feel and behave like young Euro­peans — in the same way as in our country.

2. First, Ukraine is a Euro­pean country where I feel at home. Second, it is a young country, and I have great faith in the future political elites. Third, it is a very hospitable country with its own ancient and deep-rooted traditions.
