According to the order of Ukraine’s Ministry of Education, Science, Youth, and Sport of January 18, 2012, Ihor Pasichnyk, Ph. D., doctor of psychology, professor, and Hero of Ukraine, was assigned to the post of chancellor of the National University “Ostroh Academy” for seven years, starting on January 19, 2012, till January 19, 2019, since he was elected according to the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education.” As a reminder, on November 19, 2011, according to the order of the Ministry of Education, he was dismissed from this post due to the end of the contract. But on November 21 Pasichnyk was already appointed as an acting chancellor of the National University “Ostroh Academy.” Nevertheless, this discharge drew a wide response in Ukrainian mass media, it was thought to be connected to the subordination of Ostroh and Kyiv Mohyla academies: starting from last year these universities are subject to the Ministry of Education, Science, Youth, and Sport, though they had been subject to the Cabinet of Ministers before.
“I am grateful to God that these trials connected with my re-election fell to my lot. The reaction of students, which I daily found in social networks, was extremely valuable for me. Their support became the evidence that everything I have been doing at the Academy for all these years, was right,” said Pasichnyk in his interview to The Day. “But at the same time I directly experienced some flaws of Ukrainian legislation. The mere procedure of election and appointment of the chancellor is not clearly described. It says that a chancellor at national universities is chosen for a term up to seven years, and in state ones up to five years. This ‘up to’ part allows to elect the chancellor for a year, or two, or five, or seven. And this decision lies completely within the central authorities, despite the fact that a chancellor is chosen by faculty members.
“Besides, the very fact that a chancellor’s candidacy has gathered enough votes, is an ultimate basis for his appointment, with no further committees or checks required. The process of elections could have been made shorter, because it sets the staff and faculty into a fever. The term ‘acting’ is quite specific, and it changes people’s attitude towards you in some magical way. The very procedure of voting, the people who should be delegated to this conference, and the way it must happen should be defined in clear and unambiguous terms.
“Overall, this controversial epic story has demonstrated the deficiency of the Ukrainian legislation, though it makes us follow the European rules, like secret voting and discussions. Personally I had to revalue many things in my activity to dare to apply for one more term. I do not know for how much longer God will let me work, but I will do my best to implement everything I have on my mind. First of all, a new building for the humanities studies, a decent sports complex will be built. Also new majors that are of vital importance for our country will be introduced. But the main thing I promised to myself and the faculty members is that we are going to create Ukrainian Oxford.”