The “Volyn jeep” is a colloquial nickname of the legendary four-wheel drive vehicle, once produced at the Lutsk Automobile Plant (now a unit of the Bohdan Corporation). The car, popularly called the Volynianka, was driven literally in every nook of the Soviet Union, as it was capable of negotiating deserts, swamps, and, even easier, bad roads. It was a trademark of Volyn. The plant produces buses and trolleybuses these days, but keeps six Volyniankas of various modifications in a small museum. Due to its cross-country abilities, the Volynianka was a true legend of its time. The earliest production model of LuAZ-969A, as the Volynianka was officially called, was presented at an international tournament in Turin, which saw our car entering the top 10 of Europe’s four-wheel drive vehicles. The tiny jeep from Lutsk got a gold medal at a Czech exhibition as one of the best cars for the rural consumer. It was exported to Western Europe as well, particularly to Italy.