A dramatized ecological flash mob was staged in Lviv. About 50 people gathered on Rynok Square to draw attention to the habit of littering streets.
The performers were divided into two groups. First, the ‘litterers’ marched through the square. They threw empty bottles, wrappers, paper and banana peels about, and carried banners describing how they neglected the environment. A few minutes later, another group of flash mobbers entered the square.
They collected all the garbage in bags and carried banners that urged people not to litter Lviv and care about the environment. The event’s organizers were two students, Sofia Sydorenko and Lesia Chernets.
They had created a group for that purpose in a social network, and found like-minded people who agreed to take part in the action through it. They had also posted flash mob notices at their university and dormitory. “We wanted to show that there were people who did bother to pick a piece of paper lying underfoot,” Sydorenko told us. “We need, however, to reflect on our actions without any prompting. Littering about is wrong, even if there are people who will collect your garbage for you later.”