One month remains before the decisive session of the international work group on the question of Ukraine’s entrance into the World Trade Organization. This group includes 43 countries, and if meanwhile even one of them raises trade claims against our country, our entrance will become unlikely. Assistant to the S tate S ecretary of the Ministry of Economics Andriy Honcharuk, who is in charge of work with the WTO in the government, considers what exactly will be decided for Ukraine at this ninth session of the work group. Replying to questions from The Day, he gave the impression of a restrained optimist.
“How would you estimate the readiness of our country today join the WTO?”
“At the moment the government is working in two directions in this sphere, the harmonization of our legislation in accordance with WTO requirements and the negotiation process concerning access to markets for goods and services. The readiness of our country for entrance to the WTO was discussed at the last cabinet session. It’s possible to say that everything is going according to schedule. So far criticism has been caused by the fact that measures to fulfill the requirements in the sphere of legislation have not been completed. Of twenty priority laws necessary for entrance to the WTO, fifteen have been passed. Unfortunately, the customs and tax codes are still under revision in Verkhovna Rada. Much depends on its constructive work The other laws are technically straightforward documents, but they are very important from the point of view of our entrance into the WTO, because they are stipulated by international agreements. As for the most important of them, I would point to the law on the import of agricultural produce in particular, that which deals with the establishment of quantitative restrictions.”
“What it is known about the position of the countries that are members of the WTO’s work group on the question of Ukraine?”
“The session of the work group on Ukraine’s accession to the WTO is to be held on 25-26 June. The decision on this was not taken easily. Against a background of general consensus in the work group there were certain remarks from the delegation of the United States of America. Information was prepared for us on additional questions directed to us. But in any case the session will not be simple, mainly because one of its results should be the beginning of the preparation of the documents that will become fundamental for our entrance to the WTO. These are the draft of the protocol and the draft of the report of the work group. In general, the position of work group appears positive.”
“It is known that problematic questions in Ukraine’s trade relations with the European Union have managed to be removed from the agenda of WTO negotiations. How are the bilateral negotiations with the EU going, in particular the recognition of Ukraine as a country with a market economy?”
“The official session of the Ukraine-EU working group is to be held from June 16 to June 22. At this session we plan to already receive some specific answers. I expect the preliminary signing of the report with the EU in the fall.”
“The latest news in the field of trade with the EU is the introduction of what are actually forbidden duties on the import of Ukrainian grain into the European Union? When will Ukraine submit a question about the cancellation of these duties?”
“We are now working very seriously on this question. Grain exports to the EU increased strongly last year. Definite signals about possible complaints of European manufacturers have appeared, and for this reason the policies here should be more weighed. As for our consultations on this issue, it is possible that they will come about, if not in the official order, then in the unofficial one.”
“How would you rate recent dynamics in Ukraine’s foreign trade as a whole?”
“The positive balance in goods has been maintained, as it has in services. The rates of growth are not as high as last year, but we forecast this in connection with the state of affairs in world markets in the first half of the year. However, growth can be observed in exports, imports, in the balance of trade, and that balance is turning out to be positive.”