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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert


21 April, 1998 - 00:00

Information Bureau of The Day

On April 14, 270 People’s Deputies voted for Nina Karpachova, electing her the Verkhovna Rada’s Human Rights Plenipotentiary. The victor’s request to be relieved of her duties as a member of Parliament was granted and she was sworn in.

To some experts on the ombudsman law the joy of seeing yet another most important constitutional right implemented was clouded over by the fact that the candidate had to be voted on three times, failing the first two times. However, her erstwhile colleagues had to finally bow before Ms. Karpachova’s inborn insistence and vigor which will, hopefully, serve to protect the rights of ordinary citizens, primarily against encroachments by the executive. And, of course, another positive aspect is that from now on Ukraine can boast a woman in its leadership.


Information Bureau of The Day