An unusual event took place at the Khmelnytsky city hospital as doctors contacted their colleagues in Los Angeles, California, seeking advice on the treatment of their patient. “This first online consultation via the Internet made a lasting impression not only on the patient, but all the doctors as well,” chief physician of the hospital Volodymyr Rohozniuk told The Day.”A state-of-the-art ultrasonic appliance has been connected to the Internet, which has given us an opportunity to consult our transoceanic colleagues across distance,” Dr. Rohozniuk continued. “This appliance is only part of the set of diagnostic and treatment equipment mounted in the hospital inpatient units, which cost UAH 2.6 million in budget funds. A six-bed cardiological monitoring unit has been set up. If the patient is in critical condition, a doctor or nurse, wherever they might be, will be instantly notified and will rush to help the patient,” he said. Dr. Rozhoniuk believes that “from now on suffering residents of Khmelnytsky need not seek medical assistance in the capital or overseas,” reports The Day’s Mykhailo VASYLEVSKY.