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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

The original Veil of Veronica has been brought to Lviv

St. George’s Cathedral is exposing the unique relic from the Pope’s personal sacristy, an acheiropoieton of Jesus Christ
2 February, 2015 - 17:53

Lviv’s St. George’s Cathedral will expose the unique holy relic called the Veil of Veronica for adoration by the faithful from January 30 to February 15; let us recall that it is the original acheiropoieton (miraculous image) of Jesus Christ. The relic is normally kept in the personal sacristy of Pope Francis and left Vatican last time a century ago. Interestingly, Vatican exposes it only once a year during the Holy Week, and would-be adorers buy up all the tickets a year in advance.

 “Our Metropolitan Ihor (Vozniak) started working together with priests on getting the relic here back in 2012,” chancellor of the Lviv Archdiocese of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC) Fr. Serhii Kovalchuk told us. “Officially, the relic will come to Lviv on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the UGCC’s exit from the catacombs. That is, the UGCC took its first steps to freedom 25 years ago. Highly symbolically, our country, too, is now in a situation where the enemy wants to take away our freedom. On the one hand, while thanking God for this gift that we have had with us for 25 years, we asked the Holy Father to loan this relic to us for adoration in Lviv. While celebrating this anniversary, we will also ask God to enable us to keep this gift of freedom and make this relic provide support to us at this very difficult time. This is especially important for those directly affected by the war. So, I think that arrival of the Veil of Veronica to Lviv will be a good opportunity for Leopolitans as well as all Ukrainians to recall that Lord helps us in everything we do for our freedom.”

 “We want to honor in a special way our soldiers who have returned from the anti-terrorist operation (ATO) area, are recovering in the city’s hospitals, and can visit St. George’s Cathedral. We will organize a special one-day program for them allowing soldiers, families of the fallen in the ATO area, and those who need spiritual support to come and worship the relic without waiting in the general queue. This is important, we see it as our task,” spokesperson of the Lviv Archeparchy of the UGCC, chaplain at the Lviv City Council Fr. Pavlo Drozdiak remarked. “Every Monday will be a special day for all sick, infirm, disabled people, so that they would be able to approach the relic in a good way. Parents with children will have a privileged access as well. We will publish a precise timetable to let people know when one can come to the shrine to adore the relic. We must have a sense of solidarity with each other and understanding for such things.”

By Tetiana KOZYRIEVA, Lviv