• Українська
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  • English
Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert


21 April, 1998 - 00:00

If you are displeased with the way you live, what do you think should be done to provide you with a better living?

Find a better paying job:........................37%

Improve your education or skills:................31%

Travel abroad looking for a good job:............30%

Demand higher wages from the government:.........28%

Start a private business:........................23%

Demand price reductions from the government:.....20%

Combine jobs:....................................19%

Earn a living whichever way pays best:...........16%

Start farming:...................................11%

Change your skills:..............................10%

Work as a hired laborer:..........................8%

Ask your parents to help:.........................6%

I am satisfied with how I live:...................5%


Other suggestions:................................1%

Courtesy Social Monitoring Center and Ukrainian Social Research Institute. A representative sample of 1,500 representatives Ukraine’s younger generation according major social and demographic indicators were polled. Suggestions stated above were recorded when representing over 5% of the respondents. Respondents were allowed to give multiple answers.

