Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

A question to the MPs

Viktoria SIUMAR: “Out there, the men are worrying about holding Avdiivka and the firing range, while you are getting ready to fly to Paris on Thursday just to see a soccer game”
16 June, 2016 - 12:06
Photo by Oleksandr KOSARIEV

On Tuesday Viktoria Siumar, deputy chairperson of the People’s Front faction, said a few interesting and fair words from the parliament’s rostrum after her trip to the ATO zone.

“You know that the entire 30-kilometer-wide ATO zone receives only Russian TV stations, there is no reception for Ukrainian channels. What does it mean in practice? We went from door to door to ask if the people who live in the ATO zone know who takes part in the hostilities, and who bombards them. Do you know what we heard? That it is probably Aidar fighting against the Ukrainian Army. And do you know why they think so? Because this is what Channel Russia tells them. Because they cannot receive another, Ukrainian TV signal. But there are Ukrainian patriots. Do you know how inventive some village heads are? They install loudspeakers in the center of their villages, at the markets – just like during the Second World War. We will try to bring cable television to them, so they can receive Ukrainian television signals,” said Siumar.

“But I have a question for you, colleagues: what are we actually doing here for these people, who suffer shelling on a daily basis? You will never win a war like this. A war is raging out there, and we here are competing in inventing the most sophisticated way to humiliate each other. Out there, the men are worrying about holding Avdiivka and the firing range, everything they gained back, while you are getting ready to fly to Paris on Thursday just to see a soccer game.”

Siumar emphasized that some MPs deliberately obstructed the draft law on special sequestration of Yanukovych’s assets, thus blocking the funding of Ukraine’s defense complex. She urged the Verkhovna Rada to vote for this draft on Thursday, June 16.

By Ivan KAPSAMUN, The Day