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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Restaurant to open on Kyiv TV tower

Ukraine’s tallest structure celebrates its 40th anniversary
13 August, 2013 - 11:09
Photo from the website CONSUMER-CLUB.COM.UA

The tower was commissioned on July 30, 1973 and built using a Ukrainian technology, new for the time, which called for the 386-meter-high structure to be made completely of weld metal. That is, the construction effort used neither bolts nor rivets. Currently, it is Ukraine’s tallest structure, the 2nd tallest TV tower in Europe and the 11th tallest globally.

“All components used were made in Ukraine, including metal, pipes, techniques of tower assembly and equipment installation, and the equipment itself – all of it was developed in the country,” the first director of the Kyiv TV Transmitting Center Yurii Omelianenko recalled at the anniversary celebrations.

Nowadays, the tower is still used as intended by its builders, transmitting TV signal for national channels, including the First National Channel, Inter, and 1+1, as well as a number of regional broadcasters. In addition, it is strategically important, providing communication services for the military, customs, and police.

Such towers are traditionally painted white and red for the sake of safety, as tall structures should be clearly visible in the mist for pilots of airplanes and helicopters. Interestingly, the tower’s vibration amplitude in high winds is as much as six meters.

As noted by media experts, modern broadcasting technologies undermine the prospects of the tower’s future use for its intended purpose only. However, the acting director general of the Broadcasting, Radio and Television Corporation Kostiantyn Zakharenko expresses an optimistic view of the structure’s future, maintaining it will play a key role under the new digital broadcasting standards, too. As for new uses of the tower, he expects an observation deck for tourists and a restaurant to open there in 2015, following Parisian Eiffel Tower’s example.

“Tourist access to the tower will bring us a profit, while people will enjoy it and have an opportunity to have a bird’s-eye view of our beautiful city,” Zakharenko remarked.

The TV tower is currently a restricted area, with access limited to holders of special permits.

By Vadym LUBCHAK, The Day