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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Test for the country, or Why Stus?

24 February, 2009 - 00:00

Formally, the idea to name the Donetsk National University after Vasyl Stus has not been realized yet. However, the discussion that arose in society over this issue is important. The need for fervent social communication concerning such figures as Stus has been there for a long time now. It is interesting that both the tone and the content of the discussion are the acid test of our country’s condition in the broadest sense of this word. On the one hand, part of the society seems to be holding on tightly to the times long gone by and the worldview typical of those times. But on the other hand, our society is ready to re-identify itself. That “Stus’ Question” has evoked such a response is proof that not only residents of Donetsk, but all Ukrainians need this great poet and citizen. They need him as a role model and an indicator that shows the flight altitude—or the depth of creeping.

Thousands of signatures under the appeal are the primary proof that Donetsk youth’s initiative met a wide response. It is clear that the Donetsk University will eventually be named after Vasyl Stus. But even today we are expressing our gratitude to the people united by Stus for their support. It is important that such a community exists and is able to speak loudly. In our opinion, what is symbolical for the Donetsk students is the support of Kamianets-Podilsky University, whose teachers and students, after many years of fruitless attempts, finally succeeded in having their alma mater named after its first rector, Ivan Ohiienko.

We have been receiving “live” reaction to our publications on the events surrounding the Donetsk National University from various regions of Ukraine and from all over the world: the US, Great Britain, Canada, Russia, etc.

There is one entry in the long “list of support” that has recently drawn our attention: “Volodymyr Parnerovsky, taxi driver, New York.”

This prompted us to invite those who have added their signatures in support of the Donetsk students to write about their motives. Why is it important for you? Why Vasyl Stus? Tell us a few words about yourself. We will publish the most interesting opinions in our newspaper and on our website.

Send your opinions to the following address: 2L, Marshala Tymoshenka vul., Kyiv-212, 04212, or via e-mail to chedit@day.kiev.ua.
