On Thursday, May 29, 2008, Ukraine marked the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers on the state level for the fifth time. Key government officials paid their respects to Ukrainian peacekeepers, who are helping to maintain peace in various hotspots around the world. President Viktor Yushchenko noted that, thanks to the efforts of our peacekeepers, Ukraine is now recognized as a respected and reliable peacekeeping partner of the international community. “Your difficult service on combat missions to maintain peace in faraway lands helps build trust among nations in our planet’s hotspots,” the Ukrainian leader said in his message.
Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko also believes that the difficult work of Ukrainian peacekeepers is helping to strengthen our country’s prestige. “It is difficult to appreciate the full extent of all you have done to ensure stability and peace on earth. Without exaggeration, I can call you warriors of the world,” she said.
Ukraine’s defense minister Yurii Yekhanurov said that the peacekeeping activities of Ukraine’s armed forces are acquiring greater importance in the mission to strengthen of other countries’ national security and to prevent and contain crisis situations in various regions of the world. “We honor those who, at the cost of their health and sometimes their lives, are courageously ensuring peace and order in the world’s hotspots. I am certain that our peacekeepers will continue to uphold the important and internationally respected title of peacekeeper with pride, thereby enhancing the reputation of Ukrainian soldiers,” Yekhanurov said in his message.
Today 562 Ukrainian servicemen are participating in 11 peacekeeping missions. Since 1992 nearly 30,000 Ukrainian soldiers have taken part in such international missions, with 44 killed in action and one missing.
The International Day of UN Peacekeepers was instituted in 2003 by the presidential decree “On the International Day of UN Peacekeepers.” May 29 was chosen because on that day 60 years ago the UN Security Council adopted a resolution to launch the first peacekeeping mission.