September 12 1996: Ukraine signs the 1996-99 Indicative Program with the European Union, envisaging, among other things, aid to Ukraine in the amount of some 700 million dollars.
1996: The Aeronautics and Space Training Center opens in Dnimpropetrovsk.
September 13 1848: Lviv University opens a Ukrainian language chair headed by Yakiv Holovatsky.
1951: The 1st Conference of Peace Champions is convened in Ukraine, setting the World Peace Committee.
September 14 1995: Brussels cermoniously adopts Ukraine-NATO Individual Cooperation Program.
1996: Odesa hosts the World Chechen and the World Vainakh Congress.
September 15 1991: All-Ukraine Viche [Popular Assembly] is held on Kyiv’s St. Sofia Square in support of Ukraine’s National Independence Act.
1995: Ukraine joins the Council of Europe’s 1991 Convention on Laundering, Search, Seizure and Confiscation of the Proceeds from Crime.
September 16 1651: Cossacks launch a rebellion in Bila Tserkva, protesting the treaty with the Polish Kingdom of Rzeczpospolita.
1914: The first Ukrainian striltsi swear an oath of allegiance to their struggle for Ukrainian independence as men of the Austro-Hungarian Army.
September 17 1939: Red Army units cross the Soviet-Polish border, entering the western territories of Ukraine and Belarus.
1989: Chernivtsi launches the Ukrainian folk song festival “Chervona Ruta.”
September 18 1640: A church council is called to order in Kyiv to adopt the catechism “Orthodox Profession of the Creed.”
1996: Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Economic Contacts and Trade adopts regulations on the bar-coding of Ukrainian commodities.