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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

This week in history

12 September, 2006 - 00:00

September 12 1996: Ukraine signs the 1996-99 Indicative Program with the European Union, envisaging, among other things, aid to Ukraine in the amount of some 700 million dollars.

1996: The Aeronautics and Space Training Center opens in Dnimpropetrovsk.

September 13 1848: Lviv University opens a Ukrainian language chair headed by Yakiv Holovatsky.

1951: The 1st Conference of Peace Champions is convened in Ukraine, setting the World Peace Committee.

September 14 1995: Brussels cermoniously adopts Ukraine-NATO Individual Cooperation Program.

1996: Odesa hosts the World Chechen and the World Vainakh Congress.

September 15 1991: All-Ukraine Viche [Popular Assembly] is held on Kyiv’s St. Sofia Square in support of Ukraine’s National Independence Act.

1995: Ukraine joins the Council of Europe’s 1991 Convention on Laundering, Search, Seizure and Confiscation of the Proceeds from Crime.

September 16 1651: Cossacks launch a rebellion in Bila Tserkva, protesting the treaty with the Polish Kingdom of Rzeczpospolita.

1914: The first Ukrainian striltsi swear an oath of allegiance to their struggle for Ukrainian independence as men of the Austro-Hungarian Army.

September 17 1939: Red Army units cross the Soviet-Polish border, entering the western territories of Ukraine and Belarus.

1989: Chernivtsi launches the Ukrainian folk song festival “Chervona Ruta.”

September 18 1640: A church council is called to order in Kyiv to adopt the catechism “Orthodox Profession of the Creed.”

1996: Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Economic Contacts and Trade adopts regulations on the bar-coding of Ukrainian commodities.
