May 30 1876: Russian tsar Alexander II signs the Ems Ukase banning the publication and importation of literature in Ukrainian, as well as staging plays in Ukrainian.
1923: The Ukrainian Historical-Philological Society is founded in Prague.
May 31 1935: The Council of People’s Commissars of the Ukrainian SSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Ukraine adopt a resolution on measures to combat the problem of homeless and neglected children, one of the direct consequences of the Holodomor.
1989: The International Association of Ukrainian Studies (MAU) is founded in Naples.
June 1 1922: The All-Ukrainian Office of the State Bank launches the first state grain loan.
1996: Ukraine ships its remaining nuclear missiles to Russia and becomes a non-nuclear country.
June 2 1652: A Cossack-Tatar army led by Bohdan Khmelnytsky defeats the Polish army at Batih.
1980: The All-Union Art Festival Kyivska Vesna (Kyivan Spring) ends in Kyiv.
June 3 1869: The Kursk-Kharkiv-Azov railroad begins operations.
1906: The first issue of Ukrainskyi visnyk (Ukrainian Herald), organ of the Ukrainian Parliamentary Community and State Duma, is published in St. Petersburg.
June 4 1974: The Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR adopts a resolution on the opening of the Cooperative Institute in Poltava.
1997: The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine passes the law “On the State Property Fund of Ukraine.”
June 5 1771: The Russian government issues an “ukase” allowing Ukrainian Cossacks to settle in the Azov area.
1919: The Ukrainian Galician Army (UHA) launches the Chortkiv operation.