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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

This week in history

21 March, 2006 - 00:00

March 21, 1927. The first issue of Literaturna hazeta [Literary Newspaper, Literaturna Ukrayina since 1962) was published.

1982. US President Ronald Reagan signed a proclamation on celebrating the Day of Ukrainian Helsinky Group (first US presidential act concerning Ukraine).

March 22, 1978. The Ukrainian Helsinki Group Information Bulletin began underground publication.

1994. The Banknote Factory of the National Bank of Ukraine (Ukrainian Money Factory) was opened in Kyiv.

March 23, 1993. The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine registered the State Sovereignty of Ukraine all-Ukrainian political union.

1994. A Charter on Partnership and Cooperation was signed in Brussels between Ukraine and the European Union.

March 24, 1935. A monument to Taras Shevchenko by sculptor Matviy Manizer was unveiled in Kharkiv.

1980. The Ukrainian Catholic Church Synod opened in Rome, electing Bishop Myroslav Liubachivsky successor to Cardinal Yosyp Slipy as Metropolitan of the Ukrainian Catholic Church.

March 25, 1993. The Central Interpol Bureau of Ukraine was founded.

1994. Ukraine and Russia signed an agreement On Cultural Cooperation for a ten-year period.

March 26, 1919. The Supreme Council of National Economy of the Russian Soviet Federative Republic and the Council of National Economy of the Ukrainian SSR signed an agreement On Carrying Out a Single Economic Policy.

1944. The troops of the Third Ukrainian Front started the Odesa offensive operation, taking Odesa and Mykolayiv oblasts and much of Moldova.

March 27, 1943. The Council of People’s Commissars of the Ukrainian SSR approved a decision On Creating the Shevchenko Literary and Arts Museum.

1993. The Kyiv Pectoral annual award was first presented in Kyiv.
