February 22, 1994. The official opening of a Ukrainian diplomatic representatives took place in Cuba.
1997. An order was issued by President Leonid Kuchma to create a Political Council under the President of Ukraine.
February 23, 1927. The Council of People’s Commissars of Ukrainian SSR approved a decision On Supporting Nomadic Gypsies in Their Settling Down.
1967. By an order from the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR Ukrainian writers Oleksandr Korniychuk and Pavlo Tychyna were granted the title, Hero of Socialist Labor.
February 24, 1919. Ukraine and Poland signed an armistice.
1990. The Ukrainian Social and Cultural Society, uniting Ukrainian Poles, was transformed into the Ukrainian’s Union of Poland at its congress.
February 25, 1918. The Small Rada passed the law On Implementing the New [Gregorian] Calendar and Middle European Time in UNR. The trident was approved as the UNR state emblem.
1992. President Leonid Kuchma issued an order On Creating the State Duma of Ukraine.
February 26, 1878. A trial began in Lviv of the group of renowned Halychyna public figures, in part, Ivan Franko, Mykhailo Pavlyk, and Ostap Herletsky.
1993. The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine registered the All-People’s Movement of Ukraine.
February 27, 1965. The first wide-body transport plane in the world, An-24 (Antaeus), created by Oleh Antonov Construction Bureau, performed its maiden flight.
1995. The Ukrainian Center for Post-Privatization Support for Enterprises was opened in Kyiv.
February 28, 1654. Polish King Jan II Kaziemerz issued a universal calling the Zaporozhzhian Army to remain loyal to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
1920. The commander of the Southwest Front issued an order On Creating Home Front Director’s Office to fight the rural insurgent movement throughout Ukraine.