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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

This week in history

30 April, 2002 - 00:00

April 30: 1615. A print shop was founded in Kyiv Pecherska Monastery of the Caves.

1990. The Ukrainian Republican Party was created at a congress of the Ukrainian Helsinki Union.

May 1: 1890. Lviv celebrated the Day of International Solidarity for the first time in Ukraine.

1919. The first issue of Mystetstvo [Arts] Ukrainian magazine was published.

May 2: 1848. The First Ukrainian political organization, the Central Rus’ Rada, was created in Lviv.

1995. The president of Ukraine began his visit to Italy, during which a treaty On Friendship and Cooperation was signed.

May 3: 1994 . The French Cultural Center was opened in Kyiv, aimed at popularizing French culture in Ukraine.

1995. By presidential order the State Treasury of Ukraine was created within the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine.

May 4: 1838. Taras Shevchenko was bought out of serfdom.

1890. The Ukrainian Radical Party was created in Galicia.

May 5: 1917. The First All-Ukrainian Military Congress began in Kyiv, supporting the Ukrainization of the army and converting it into people’s militia after the war.

1991. The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine registered the All-Ukrainian Union of Political Prisoners and Repressed.

May 6: 1919. The Provisional Workers’ and Peasants’ Government of the Crimea proclaimed the Crimean Socialist Republic.

1992. The Constitution of the Republic of the Crimea was ratified.
