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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

This week in history

12 February, 2002 - 00:00

February 12: 1960. The first Ukrainian nuclear research reactor was put into operation.

1991. Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine passed a decision to renew the Crimean Autonomous Republic.

February 13: 1942. The compulsory gathering of Ukrainians from the occupied territories for work in Germany as Ostarbeiters began, ultimately involving about 2,000,000 people.

1960. The Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR passed a decision to organize factory higher educational institutions and also industrial enterprises and workshops at institutions of higher education.

February 14: 1921. A peace treaty was signed between the Ukrainian SSR and Lithuania.

1956. The Twentieth CPSU Congress started in Moscow, condemning Stalin’s cult of personality.

February 15: 1574. In Lviv Ivan Fedorov published reputedly the first printed book in the Ukrainian land, The Apostle.

1919. The Ukrainian National Council passed a law On Use of the Ukrainian Language in State Institutions.

February 16: 1943. Kharkiv was taken from the Germans.

1994. Ukraine and Kazakhstan signed a communiquО in Almaty on broadening contacts between the military of both countries.

February 17: 1943. The Third Conference of the Bandera’s OUN leaders began, speaking for the need to fight the USSR and Germany while rigorously condemning any cooperation with the Nazis.

1997. The International Journalists’ Center was founded in Yalta.

February 18: 1998. UNR, German, and Austria-Hungarian troops began their attack on the Bolsheviks in Ukraine.

1966. Publication of the seventeen-volume Ukrainian Soviet Encyclopedia was completed.
