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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

This week in history

13 February, 2001 - 00:00

February 13: 1945. Soviet troops took Budapest from the Nazi Germans.

1974. The Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet exiled Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and stripped him of Soviet citizenship.

February 14: 1956. The historic XX congress of the CPSU began, at which Nikita Khrushchev made his secret speech on Stalin’s crimes.

1993. Hungary, Poland, and Ukraine signed in Debrecen a declaration on the cooperation of Carpathian peoples.

February 15: 1574. Ivan Fedorov published in Lviv The Apostle, the first known printed book in Ukraine.

1989. The last contingent of Soviet troops was withdrawn from Afghanistan after a nine year war which claimed the lives of about 14,000 Soviet soldiers and officers.

February 16: 1918. The legislative council of the Kuban proclaimed the independent Kuban People’s Republic.

1994. Ukraine and Kazakhstan signed in Almaty a communiquО on the extension of contacts between the two countries’ defense ministries.

February 17: 1943. The third conference of OUN (Bandera) leaders began, which decided to fight against both the USSR and Germany and categorically condemned any cooperation with the Nazis.

1947. The Voice of America began beaming broadcasts to the Soviet Union.

February 18: 1918. The troops of the UNR, Germany, and Austria-Hungary launched an offensive against the Russian Bolshevik Red Guards.

1966. The final seventeenth volume of the first Ukrainian Soviet Encyclopedia was published.

February 19: 1750. Last Hetman of Ukraine Kyrylo Rozumovsky was elected.

1992. Verkhovna Rada approved the trident as Ukraine’s small state emblem, considering it the main part of the Great Seal of Ukraine.
