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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

This week in history

4 November, 2008 - 00:00

Nov. 4 1959: The diorama “The Storming of Sapun Mount” is launched in Sevastopil.

1990: Holodomor Remembrance Day is marked throughout Ukraine for the first time.

Nov. 5 1920: Officials of the UNR government and the Russian Political Committee sign a convention in Warsaw on joint military operations against the Bolsheviks.

1953: The Soviet Union’s first all-welded bridge, designed by Yevhen Paton, opens in Kyiv.

Nov. 6 1943: Troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front liberate the Soviet Ukrainian capital during Operation Kyiv.

2001: President Leonid Kuchma of Ukraine pays a one-day visit to Poland, where he addresses a conference on the struggle against international terrorism.

Nov. 7 1917: The Small Rada in Kyiv adopts the Central Rada’s 3rd Universal (Decree) proclaiming the Ukrainian National Republic (UNR) as part of a federated Russia.

1951: Ukraine’s first television studio starts broadcasting in Kyiv.

Nov. 8 1927: The construction of the Dnipro Hydroelectric Station begins in Zaporizhia.

2004: President Alexander Kwasniewski of Poland declares that Ukraine is building democracy, as evidenced by the presidential campaign.

Nov. 9 1976: The Ukrainian Helsinki Group to monitor human rights is founded in Kyiv.

1977: The Ukrainian Helsinki Committee publishes the Manifesto of the Ukrainian Human Rights Movement.

Nov. 10 1970: The Soviet Union launches the Luna-17 spacecraft that lands Lunokhod-1, an unmanned Earth-controlled lunar rover, on the Moon.

2004: The Central Election Committee announces the results of the first round of the presidential elections, naming Viktor Yushchenko as the winner.
