• Українська
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  • English
Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

This week in history

21 April, 1998 - 00:00

April 22, 1922: the Ukrainian Agricultural Academy is opened in Podebrady (Czechoslovakia). April 22, 1990: Earth Day is instituted to help unite people on the planet to protect the environment. April 22, 1990: the Green Party of Ukraine proclaims its Manifesto. April 23, 1918: Ukraine, Germany, and Austria-Hungary sign an agreement on Ukrainian supplies of food and industrial products. April 23, 1975: the Museum of Books and Printing of the Ukrainian SSR opens in Kyiv as the first such institution in the USSR. April 24, 1949: the Taras Shevchenko State Literary-Art Museum opens in Kyiv. April 24, 1967: Soviet astronaut Vladimir Komarov dies as his Soyuz-1 spacecraft crashes to the ground after a faulty test flight, starting the space exploration death toll. April 25, 1945: at the close of World War II, American and Soviet forces meet at Torgau, Germany, on the Elbe River. April 25, 1994: the President of Ukraine signs an edict instituting the National Council for Television and Radio. April 26, 1918: German forces disarm a Ukrainian division in Kyiv. April 26, 1986: the world’s greatest nuclear disaster occurs at Chernobyl. April 27: International Twin Cities Day. April 27, 1957: USSR Council of Ministers and Communist Party Central Committee resolve to institute reduced working hours. April 27, 1915: Ukrainian Riflemen of the Sich engage the enemy on Mt. Makovka (WW I). April 27, 1943: formation of the Galician Waffen SS Division begins in Lviv.

