The Antonov Research and Production Aircraft Company together with Britain’s Air Foyle Charter Company stand a good chance to win the tender for a low- cost and reliable transport craft to carrying troops and arms to world hot spots, thinks Bruce Bird, Air Foyle director. Antonov press service chief Andriy Savenko also told The Day that the British military paid attention to our Ruslan transport plane, included in the bidding in the middle of last year. “Our aviators have modified the plane, fitting it out with British engines and British-American avionics,” Mr. Savenko noted.
As is known, European countries have recently decided to form their own rapid reaction force in the form of a 60,000 strong European corps. Having no military transport capabilities of its own, Europe announced the tender. Also participating are the US C-17 aircraft, but, according to Mr. Bird, Ruslans are capable of carrying 120 ton cargoes, twice as much as is American transports. And there is the financial aspect. It would cost the British Defense Ministry г200 million to lease two Ruslans until 2007. It would four US C-17 Herculeses to do the same work, and each plane of this type costs г125 million. Thus the British Exchequer can save г300 million by leasing An-124-100 or any of its modifications.
In addition, Mr. Bird told The Guardian, “The UK — and Europe — have the opportunity to benefit from what is a firesale of the former Soviet Union. For the moment these planes are very cheap and Britain and Europe can help Ukraine and Russia [which supplies components] by giving them some business.” However, it is not yet clear whether the British government will finally give in to the economic advantages of leasing the Ukrainian planes. It is well known that British pilots favor American airplanes, not Ukrainian ones. The Cabinet would like to buy the European Airbus cargo, but the latter now exists only on the drawing board. Colonel Oleksandr Chornohor, Military AttachО at the Ukrainian Embassy in Great Britain is also not yet convinced that the Ruslan will win. He told The Day’s corespondent that even if the British Defense Ministry decides in our favor, it would await the go-ahead from the parliamentary defense committee whose clearance is obligatory for contracts over г400 million. Only then will be clear if the British government is prepared to pay an extra г300 million for strategic partnership with the United States or will pursue its own interests instead.