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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Charm Market on the Rise

27 January, 2004 - 00:00

From February 6 to 8 Kyiv will host the InterCHARM Ukraine Second International Exhibition in which 256 companies from ten countries will take part. This largest perfumery and makeup exhibition has come to Ukraine not by accident. The present Ukrainian market can be described as dynamically developing. In the words of Vice President for Marketing of the Stara fortetsia [Old fortress] association Andriy Malyhin, the annual turnover of perfumery and makeup sales in Ukraine in 2002 amounted to $933 million, which places it third in Eastern Europe after Russia and Poland. According to the experts’ preliminary estimates, last year the volume of Ukraine’s perfumery market already exceeded $4 billion. This is far from its limit: the market’s potential capacity is estimated at $7 billion. However, Mr. Malyhin states, in terms of sales volume per capita in Ukraine is considerably behind Europe’s leader, Switzerland (19.36 Euro compared to 225.75 Euro), reports The Day’s Petro IZHYK.
