What kind of toys do your children play with?
Larysa PIDKAMINNA, 30:
We buy only foreign-made toys for our child because they are of much higher quality than Ukrainian ones. Most probably, Ukrainian producers are still learning how to make good toys. For example, not so long ago my child was given a toy car made in Ukraine that broke in two days, while imported toys, especially the soft ones, have been used by my son for several years now. Besides, foreign toys are eye-catching and children show more interest in them.
Tetiana SHTETS, 25:
I prefer to buy domestically-made toys for my son. Right now, he is interested in bricks, plastic and soft toys. Ukrainian toys combine low price and quality design. Besides, I have more confidence in Ukrainian producers because I know that their products are subject to rigid certification in Ukraine. Imported toys are not always quality toys, and my child’s health is so important.
Rayisa HYNKOVSKA, 47:
I never buy imported fur or rubber toys for my granddaughter, especially on street markets, because I have heard many times that they are not safe. At present, our Sophia is hooked on various puzzles and ABCs. It is good that Ukrainian plants produce much of these items and we buy a lot. As for dolls, the foreign ones reign supreme, although it would be fine if we can get Ukrainian dolls, as well-made and beautiful as the ones we had as children.
Tetiana DRUZ, 24:
When my son was little we used to buy him imported trinket toys, for the simple reason that Ukrainian plants did not produce them. With my son getting older, I buy both imported and domestically-made toys for him. I believe there is no significant difference in quality and design between foreign and local toys. Anyway, if you even buy toys in a toy store, you can be never sure they are certified and safe for your children.