Dear Ms. Larysa Ivshyna,
I am sorry to be writing this letter so belatedly. The quarantine has made some changes in our work and life. We would like to thank you for publishing in Den/The Day Natalia Malimon’s article on the Kholm Miraculous Icon of the Holy Virgin. We are pleased that thousands and thousands of more people in Ukraine and abroad will know about this holy object. This unique image, which has now come out of oblivion, deserves being a symbol of our people and country, a symbol of the present and future time. We hope that such an original popularization of our museum will bring new visitors to its halls and attract admirers of the fine art of icon painting, art patrons, and sponsors. I think that in our hard times the icon will be a joy and a comfort for people, the hope of a better future for their children and grandchildren. We are wishing you, our fellow country woman, strong health, inspiration, and professional success. May your everyday activity, a firm civic position, and enthusiasm promote the prosperity of our Ukraine! We are always glad to see you, your family and friends in our museum. If you happen to be in Lusk, be sure to visit us. There will be a conference on Volhynian icon painting this year, with the proceedings having already been published. The restored Kholm Miraculous Icon of the Holy Virgin is ready for public display. We will notify you of the exact date in good time so that you can insert this event into your work schedule.
curator of the Volhynian Icon Museum