The biathlon team World Cup finals took place in Austria. The male final race was won by Norway, whose athletes managed to cover 10 kilometers in 29:17.6 and the female race was won Russia, 7.5 kilometers in 30.21.4. Ukrainian female team, made up of Olena Petrova, Nina Lemesh, Valentyna Tserbe-Nesina and Olena Zubrylova, came in fourth. The Norwegian men’s team (5660 points) and German women’s squad (5500 points) were awarded the National Cups. The Ukrainian men made it only to sixteenth place with 2345 points and female to fifth with 4601 points. Olena Petrova with 159 points was eleventh in the individual summary. Magdalena Forsberg of Sweden won with 387 points. The male competition was won by Oley-Einar Bjorndahlen of Norway with 289 points and Rikko Gross of Germany with 286 points.