Ternopil – Children afflicted with cerebral palsy, autism and Down syndrome will be treated by dogs in Ternopil. This form of treatment was suggested by the Ternopil branch of the “Canis Kennel Club of Ukraine.” The “Noah Ark’s Association for the Protection of Stray Animals” joined the effort. “The method of ‘canis-therapy’ [from canis, the Latin word for dog – Ed.] is very popular abroad, but has not been developed [in Ukraine] yet,” says the association’s chairman Oleh Hrom. Dog handlers and specially trained volunteers will conduct workshops for patients, teach them correct techniques of dog care, and establish trust between humans and animals. Such companionship helps in the treatment of psycho-physiological development retardation, communication issues, excessive aggressiveness, and shyness, note the specialists. Only dogs of suitable breeds and disposition will participate in the therapeutic sessions. Usually, children suffering from autism, cerebral palsy or Down’s syndrome are treated by golden retrievers or Labradors. “It is expected that such treatment will be free of charge,” says Hrom. “So now we are seeking people that would work on a voluntary basis. They should have an appropriate education and experience in dealing with animals. And it is desirable that the volunteers have psychology training, too, so as to understand children as well as animals.”