The Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin recently approved “The Program on Fulfilling the State Policy of Counteracting Tobacco Consumption 2010-2015,” aimed at decreasing the popularity of tobacco smoking in the Russian Federation over the next five years from 40 to 25 percent.
One of the first steps of the program will be a total ban on advertizing, sponsorship and tobacco good’s sales promotion, to be implemented by 2012. The ban will affect all forms of publicity. Thus, the use of tobacco brands for non-tobacco goods will also be banned. For instance, clothing or souvenirs will not be branded. Formal tobacco advertizing was banned in Russia in 2007 and in Ukraine in 2009.
“A total ban on cigarette advertising, which is to take effect in Russia, is also necessary for Ukraine,” says Hanna Hopko, the director of the Coalition of Public Organizations “For a Tobacco-Free Ukraine.” “We still allow cigarette advertizing, specifically pro-smoking propaganda on the Internet, promotion actions, advertizing in sales points… Unfortunately, the draft law No. 5164, which aims to ban tobacco advertizing in Ukraine, has been in the Verkhovna Rada for over a year and it has been waiting for considering in the session hall. We hope that the Russian example will stimulate Ukrainian lawmakers.”