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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Who Will Get Stuck With Chornobyl?

25 March, 2003 - 00:00

Zhytomyr oblast authorities are serious worried by information that agencies of the Ministry for Emergency Management and those responsible for protecting people from the consequences of the Chornobyl disaster are working out plans to transfer the Chornobyl issues to other ministries and departments. Oblast state administration Deputy Chairman Serhiy Voroshchuk believes that the lack for a single administrative and coordination center dealing with these problems will further exacerbate the already complicated situation concerning aid to the victims of radiation. In his words, state arrears in compensation to Chornobyl victims in Zhytomyr oblast, which has seriously suffered from the catastrophe, come to 73 million hryvnias, and it is impossible to find out who is responsible for paying them in the government and parliament. In general, every year less money is allotted to the oblast for programs to solve the problems Chornobyl caused. At the last meeting of the Emergency Management Ministry collegium, head of the oblast council Arkhyp Voitenko and chairman of the oblast state administration Mykola Rudchenko sent a joint letter to the president insisting on the need to pay continued attention to these problems and suggested that, in the event of their withdrawal from the competence of the Ministry for Emergency Management, a special committee on overcoming the consequences of the Chornobyl disaster be created in the government. (Such an institution existed in the initial years of Ukraine’s independence). Answering The Day’s question on the possible structure of this committee, Mr. Voroshchuk noted that local branches of this committee should be established (insofar as such departments exist as parts of oblast administrations for emergencies and protecting people from the consequences of the Chornobyl disaster — Author). Then, at least, it will be clear who is responsible for what concerning these issues, reports Valery KOSTIUKEVYCH, The Day.
