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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

This day in history

21 August, 2012 - 00:00

1627: The first dictionary of the Ukrainian language, entitled “Slavic-Ruthenian Lexicon and Interpretation of Names,” compiled by Pamva Berynda, is published in Kyiv.

1914: Russian pilot Jan Nagorski makes the world’s first flight in the Arctic aboard a Farman plane in search of Georgy Sedov’s expedition.

1937: The Soviet Union and China sign a non-aggression treaty.

1938: The icebreaker Joseph Stalin goes on the first Arctic voyage.

1957: The Soviet R-7 IBM, designed by Sergei Korolyov and with Valentin Glushko’s engines, is successfully launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome.

1991: The coup d’etat in the USSR ends in failure.

1992: The World Forum of Ukrainian begins in Kyiv.

1996: The Order for Bravery of the president of Ukraine is instituted

1996: Kiev Universal Exchange holds the first UAH auction for future contracts.
