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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Deep Purple in Kyiv

25 October, 2012 - 00:00
Photo provided by PR-agency Dell’Arte

The famed musicians will come to the stage of the Palace of Sports on November 1 to present the audience with immortal, universally liked hits and a live show. The band’s composition has changed several times, but the repeated infusion of fresh energy only helped it every time. Nowadays, the band’s anchors are vocalist Ian Gillan, guitarist Steve Morse, bass guitarist Roger Glover, keyboardist Don Airey who formerly performed with Rainbow, and drummer Ian Paice, Deep Purple’s only continuous member. The team was formed in the UK back in 1968 and originally called Roundabout, becoming Deep Purple later on and experiencing ups and downs throughout the years. Music critics consider the band one of the most prominent and influential in the 1970s heavy music and highly appreciate its contribution to the development of progressive rock and heavy metal. Members of Deep Purple’s ‘classic’ line-up (particularly guitarist Ritchie Blackmore, keyboardist Jon Lord, and drummer Ian Paice) are commonly seen as virtuoso instrumentalists. About 150 million copies of their albums have been sold globally. Deep Purple added to the immense record library of the global hard rock such masterpieces as Fireball, Deep Purple in Rock, Machine Head, Live in Japan – the albums that have forever entered the golden fund of music of all time and all nations. Today, the band members enjoy international fame and recognition, but they do not rest on their laurels and have not become museum exhibits. They continue to delight their fans and all fans of classic hard rock, releasing new albums and touring the world. Their fall 2012 tour will start in the CIS countries, with Kyiv performance followed by a concert in Luxembourg, and then a few short tours of French, German and Belgian cities.
