The Exhibit in a Hall is a new project of the Aware Civic Agency. The expositions of the works of young Ukrainian artists, both professionals and amateurs, are indeed on display in the halls of high-rise buildings, each time in a new one. In such a way the organizers are trying to bring beauty and art closer to people and change the Kyivites’ vision of the internal space in every apartment building.
The first exhibit took place in Troieshchyna last July. It was followed by an exhibit in Holosiievo, and in Pechersk. The latest exhibit was launched on November 26 at 21, Reitarska St. The exhibit is usually launched with the participation of the artist, who personally presents his works. The vernissage shows original works, thereafter the walls of the hall are adorned with high-quality replicas. This time Dmytro Hladun, a Kyiv-based artist who specializes in zoology is the project’s breakthrough. Maybe his specialization is the reason why he has so many pictures depicting animals and nature. However, the animals in Dmytro’s works are not usual; mostly they are fairytale-like, extraordinary, and unearthly. The artist says that he has been painting for his whole life. He also creates small ceramic figurines.
The organizers of the exhibit always invite the house’s residents to the exhibit’s launch. Moreover, the exhibit in the hall should be initiated by a group of aware residents or one of them, after obtaining the consent of the majority. It is gratifying that with each new exhibit the number of caring and active residents in Kyiv’s apartment blocks is growing. On the whole, Aware is going to hold 11 presentations of this kind.
The Exhibit in a Hall is also a competition. The winners will be chosen by the special jury, including an art expert, gallery employee, culture expert, collector, and a famous actor. There will also be online voting on the website of Aware.