Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Her works contain the beauty of Pokuttia

An exhibition by Olha Pleshkan, student of the art school of Oleksa Novakivsky, launched in Lviv
21 March, 2016 - 17:37
BRIDE / Photo replica by the author

The exhibition presents the artist’s works from the collection of Andrei Sheptytsky National Museum in Lviv, as well as from private collections of Stefanyk and Mykhalchuk families. Olha Pleshkan was a relative of Vasyl Stefanyk: her mother is his wife’s sister, and after her death, Olha took care of Stefanyk’s children, and later – of his museum in Rusiv.

For seven years, Olha Pleshkan had been studying in the art school of famous Galician artist Oleksa Novakivsky, whose work was highly appreciated and strongly supported by Metropolitan Sheptytsky. Her life and work was closely connected to Pokuttia. Hundreds of her small painting sketches depict the unique beauty of her native land. A separate page of her artistic career was dedicated to Stefanyk.

Pleshkan’s style of painting clearly echoes the lessons of her teacher. At the same time, the artist worked out her own painter’s style, with its own elegant color palette and original melancholic poetry of her imagery. During this month her art can be admired at the exhibition halls of Olena Kulchytska memorial museum, 7, November Action Street. The museum is located next to the artistic and memorial museum of Oleksa Novakivsky, and has a chamber showroom that suits best for exhibiting Olha Pleshkan’s works.
