Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Kryvolap’s living palette

Famous Ukrainian artist presents an exhibit of his works and a prize to support talented youth
23 March, 2016 - 17:28
Photo by Ruslan KANIUKA, The Day

Over 60 paintings by Anatolii Kryvolap were gathered within the project “Museum Collection.” The exposition was presented by the Cultprostir Hub, which is located at the Museum of the History of Kyiv. Most of the works are stored in private collections, and some of them have been created only recently. The large-scale project was organized by Cultprostir Hub, Triptych Gallery, Internet Platform Cultprostir, and the Museum of History of Kyiv.

Anatolii Kryvolap is considered to be one of the most successful Ukrainian artists. In 2010-15 his 18 paintings were sold at Ukrainian and international auctions for the sum of nearly 800,000 dollars. Vivid and piercing colors are a characteristic feature of the artist’s works.

At the exhibit “Museum Collections” a variety of works were presented: abstract works, landscapes, there is also a nude painting. An interesting thing, the artist’s grandson Oleksii Kryvolap made his debut as a curator at the project. The earliest work in the exposition is the blue-and-yellow landscape Ukrainian Motif, which was created in 1992. Most recent works include four Carpathian landscapes, which have in fact come just from the studio.

“I’m on my way of decoding the color code of the Carpathians,” Anatolii Kryvolap admits, “I think I will go there soon again, to continue my work. Sometimes I get used to the new images. It is not only nature that has an effect on landscapes, but also the color of people’s skin, their costumes and habits. You need to look for the way the Ukrainian Carpathians should look like.”

At the vernissage it was announced that the Anatolii Kryvolap Prize for students of Art Universities has been established. The purpose of the project is to support the high level of mastery in art. The winners of the prize will be able to visit the art capitals of the world and famous museums. On April 1 the competition terms will be published and the admission of the works will begin. It is expected that the first prizes will go to the winners before the end of the year.

The visitors can relish the bright and pure colors of Anatolii Kryvolap already now: the exhibit “Museum Collection” will be underway at the Museum of the History of Kyiv till May 19.

By Maria PROKOPENKO, The Day