The exhibition is underway at the Palace of Arts. The author of the project is convinced that you cognize some higher substances only through creative work, exploration, and action, “Self-liberation reveals and opens a different reality beyond the extremely sensual perception. The work of art is an external imprint, an accurate and subtle depiction of the inner world of an artist, which is immovable but at the same time breathing with life, it generates a clear sound in the emptiness of imagination.”
So the only function of art is action, “DIIA.” Oleh Davydenko works in easel and monumental art, sculpture, graphics, polychromic painting of Christian churches, and icon painting. According to his priorities in painting, all forms of art have content of their own, no matter whether they have a plot or not, which is why every kind of art seeks to become music, which is nothing but a form. The credo is “Up and Ahead.”