The biggest fans of beer are working married men with higher than average incomes who spend their leisure time with friends and colleagues and live in big cities. This category forms 49% of beer drinkers in Ukraine. This conclusion was reached by sociologists at the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology after analyzing data from nationwide polls they have conducted in the last three years. Second among beer fans are affluent women in big cities (26%), followed by unemployed men and retired people with below average incomes living in small towns (25%). In general, big city residents love the suds more than others, while in smaller urban areas it enjoys less popularity. Our more affluent compatriots like it more than do those less well off (or could they simply afford to drink more? — Ed.). Beer is equally popular with young people aged 25 and under and those 25 to 44, while those over 65 imbibe very rarely. Single and divorced people guzzle more often.
However, Ukrainians can hardly be called a nation of beer lovers. Most men and women in Ukraine prefer stronger stuff: vodka or cognac. Wine also has its admirers in our country, most of them belonging to the fair sex.
What is most interesting in this research is the fact that despite the widespread opinion that alcohol abuse is characteristic for Ukrainians, it appears that only 4% of them take a shot or two almost every day. Simultaneously, those surveyed believe that there are 10% of such people in their age category. There is also a tendency to overestimate the number of those hitting the bottle three or four times a week or once or twice a week. Speaking about the indices for those having a drink from one to three times a month or less than once a month, public opinion is that in Ukraine such people are in the minority: 14% and 19% respectively. In reality, 51% of those polled said that in the last year they drank alcohol less than once a month and 25% from one to three times a month. Further good news from the sociologists is that with age most Ukrainians kick their drinking habit. While 35% of youngsters drink almost on daily basis, 3-4, or 1-2 times a week, this share gradually decreases for every next age group and drops to 17% among those aged over 66.