Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert


On November 17 a grand concert of Nino Katamadze, cult singer from Georgia, and Insight will be held in Lviv
12 November, 2015 - 11:45
Photo from the website STAR-FACTORY.COM.UA

The anniversary program is entitled “15 years together.” It is precisely the term for which the creative collaboration of the jazz singer and the Insight band has been going on. The musical evening will also include a grand orchestra, the conductor of which will be Nikoloz Rachveli (for the outstanding contribution to world culture his name was recorded in the book New Faces of the Planet). Katamadze’s fantastic voice, immensely charming sincerity, and spontaneity conquer the hearts of the audience. Nino & Insight on stage always play smart, genuine, and very emotional music. Their art is a profound philosophical tale of life, and their performances compel to think about the eternity of human existence, to empathize, to think, to feel compassion and hope. Each their concert is like a healing potion for the soul.

Following the concert in Lviv, the tour will continue to Ivano-Frankivsk and Zhytomyr, and in early December Katamadze will perform in Dnipropetrovsk and Zaporizhia.
