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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

A whole town made of sand

10 June, 2008 - 00:00
Photo: UNIAN

A new children’s sand town has sprung up on Liberty Square in Kharkiv. This is a 40 x 60 meter playground, which took 2,000 cubic meters of sand from Kharkiv’s quarries for its construction, UNIAN reports. The sand town was created by 30 sculptors from the CIS countries, Israel, and Iran. The town is populated by characters from fairytales and cartoon heroes. Children and adults alike were wowed by the “33 Handsome Knights and Uncle Chornomor” and the “Wolf in the Faraway Kingdom.”

A special technology was used to create all the sand sculptures, which are resistant to wind and rain. According to the organizers, the sand town will remain standing until Aug. 1, when the best sculpture will be named.
