The Rivne Oblast Ukrainian Music and Drama Theater hosted The Day’s photography show from Feb. 4 until March 20. Among the organizers were the local photographers and past prize winners Anatolii Mizerny, Oleksandr Kharvat, and Anatolii Pokhyliuk.
Rivne is known for hosting photography shows, such as Volyn on the Feast of the Holy Protection and the International Photo Biennale. It has become fashionable to attend them. Clear proof of this trend is the fact that 24,000 people visited our exhibit. As a result, the jury announced the following People’s Choice photographs: Iron Felix by Ruslan Kaniuka, The Carpathian Sheva by Anatolii Stepanov, and Depardieu, Mood, End of the Molodist Film Festival by Maksym Levin. Visitors wrote down their impressions in the Guestbook. Below is a small selection:
The Day’s photo exhibit shows our life - warts and all. Thank you for creating these pictures.
A visitor (from the Guestbook)
This photography show is a kaleidoscope of Ukrainian society, a bright and multicolored palette of our compatriots’ lives. These are tiny sparks of a great light called Photography, which means “to write with light.” It is gratifying that readers can buy the best photos in the form of albums (two of them). This is our modern history in photographs. The exhibit shows us a rich and multifaceted picture of Ukraine and Ukrainians. I wish the photo contest organizers good luck and hard work. We have a crying need for such events.
Anatolii MIZERNY, photographer
I have very good impressions because the show is professional, although amateur photographers also took part in it. I like the fact that the pictures were well chosen because bad taste is a disaster for the soul. It is obvious that the organizers have a sense of taste and style. It is important to invite pupils from the upper grades and students to attend these kinds of exhibits and read the kind of books The Day publishes. Unfortunately, young people are somewhat amorphous now, so they need a more intellectual load to shape themselves.
Kateryna BOICHUK, Ukrainian language and literature teacher
Your photography show is like a calendar for 2007, a year that was rich in events. The most important dates have been captured, for example, Human-Error Accident in Ozhydiv, Lviv Oblast, July 16, 2007, by Oleksandr Synytsia. There are also many unmarked days in this calendar. But does it mean they are any less important? The portraits are simply beautiful! This exhibit is modern Ukrainian history in documentary photos.
Valentyna TVORYSHCHUK, pensioner
We came to see a theater production but instead we saw a photography show. It depicts all the facets of our political and social life. Keep up the good work!
Students from the National University of Water Management
The Day’s photography exhibit is moving to Kamianets-Podilsky, where it will open on March 26 at the picture gallery of the State Historical Museum and Preserve.