Rather recently Italy was in the limelight of the main world media. Everyone talked about the political crisis in this country. It was caused by the inconclusive results of the parliamentary elections. However, this did not stand in the way of choosing the president and then forming the Cabinet of Ministers. What will be the new government’s position on the EU’s most important matters and on the signing of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU? Is Ukrainian business climate favorable for Italian business? The Day addressed these questions to Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Italy to Ukraine Fabrizio Romano, who also told about the cultural cooperation plans between the two countries.
After the recent parliamentary elections a lot of Europeans followed the events in Italy anxiously. Can you say that the crisis in your country is over after the president was elected and Cabinet of Ministers was appointed?
“Firstly, I have to say that we indeed had a crisis, if the word ‘crisis’ implies the absence of government for a few weeks. The political situation in question arose because in our country the prime minister is appointed by the president. This year, the parliamentary elections and forming the majority basically coincided in time with the presidential elections. And as you might have seen, after Giorgio Napolitano was elected president again, he appointed the prime minister right away.”
How is Italy coping with the current global economic crisis?
“Italian economy is very strong. We admit that there is a global economic and financial crisis. But our economic indicators inspire optimism.
“There are a lot of export-oriented enterprises in Italy. Last year the level of export in Italy was the highest in the history of our country.
“It can be said that prosperity level of an average Italian citizen is one of the highest in Europe. The majority of Italians possess real estate. Their bank deposits are among the highest in Europe as well.
“I can state that according to these indicators, Italy is one of Europe’s leaders. As you see, Italy’s economy is sound. We have a new government, Emma Bonino became foreign minister. Before that she was European Commissioner, minister for international trade and European Affairs. She is a very serious person. And under such conditions the voice of Italy must be certainly heard.”
Who will the new government support: Merkel, who wants to overcome the crisis by austerity, or Hollande, who stands for the increase of spending to promote growth?
“Give our government some time to adopt a doctrine (laughs) and then we can talk about this.”
A lot of countries, especially in the East and Central Europe, stated they were ready to support the signing of the Association Agreement between Europe and Ukraine at the summit in Vilnius. Is Italy ready to do the same?
“As you might know, the new Italian government has been working for a few days only. And the ministers were just appointed. But despite the fact that this government is very young, I can say that Italy as one of the EU founders was always interested in having closer relations between our organization and other countries. So I suppose that the new government is going to support Ukraine’s desire for closer relations with the EU. Of course, we do not forget about Fuele’s List of Criteria that are required for the signing. Italy, just as the other member states, has expectations that all these criteria will be met. And basically, from this perspective our view is positive. In other words, Italy supports the signing of the Association Agreement.”
Many foreign banks are withdrawing from the Ukrainian market now, saying the business climate in the country is becoming worse. How does Italian business feel in Ukraine?
“First of all, our bank groups Unicredit and Intesa Sanpaolo are here at the moment. And as far as I know, they do not intend to leave Ukraine. I can say that almost every day I meet Italian entrepreneurs who are interested in the Ukrainian market. And it is a very good sign. I should admit that those who work here often have difficulties. But I must say that when serious problems arise, we solve them together with the Ukrainian government. That is why I do not have any reasons to doubt that there are prospects for better work in future if our cooperation with Ukrainian government will develop according to the existing tendency.
“The Embassy has already organized some events in the economic sphere. Last July, right after my arrival, we held a serious forum on infrastructure in Kyiv and in Odesa, in which about 40 Italian entrepreneurs participated. We plan to hold a similar forum this year as well.
“Also, a committee of Italian entrepreneurs was created at the Embassy last year. Together we work on improving cooperation and business climate. They inform me about the key challenges they face in their activities. And then we discuss these problems during meetings with Ukrainian government officials. That is why we need to be optimistic. Ukraine remains a very important market for Italy.”
What is your optimism towards Ukraine based on?
“It is based on the following things. Firstly, Ukrainians have a high level of education and qualification. Secondly, Ukraine is a very large country. And Italian economy is incredibly diverse. That is why our countries’ desires and capabilities coincide. I have personal knowledge of such interest on the part of Italian companies. There is another important point. After Hungary, Romania, Poland, and Bulgaria became EU members, Italy and the EU both border on the former Soviet space along the Ukrainian borderline. It is the closest country to us. To a certain extent, our mentalities coincide. Thanks to your community, the reputation of Ukrainians in Italy is very positive. All these factors give me grounds to be optimistic.”
Could you provide data on Italian investments and trade turnover between our countries during the last year?
“Official statistics shows the presence of Italian investments in Ukraine only partially. In reality, some of our companies’ largest investments were made through subsidiary foreign enterprises, and that is why they are not officially represented as Italian. For example, investment of the Unicredit Bank, which was one of the largest in the history of Ukraine, was carried out though Polish and Austrian subsidiaries and officially submitted as investments of these countries.
“In general, according to the official data, about 300 enterprises with Italian capital are working in Ukraine. Among them are such well-known ones as Intesa Sanpaolo (represented by Praveks-Bank), Eni, Campari, Indesit, and Ferrero.
“Concerning the trade turnover, according to the Italian statistics, despite the complex economic situation, in 2012 export from Italy to Ukraine grew by 3.58 percent, which proves the general tendency of Italian export increase.”
Today, a large community of Ukrainians lives and works in Italy. How did they adapt in Italian society? How do your fellow compatriots treat them?
“As I already said, the reputation of Ukrainian community plays a positive role. This is called ‘people’s diplomacy,’ when members of social community serve as ambassadors. Italians and Ukrainian diaspora live peacefully side by side. By the way, Italy has the largest Ukrainian community in Western Europe!”
Are Ukrainians interested in the Italian language and culture?
“Professor Nicola Franco Balloni is present at our meeting. He is the head of the Italian Institute of Culture in Ukraine. Italian language classes are organized by this Institute, and judging on the number of students, Ukrainians are seriously interested in both the language and culture of Italy. I want to note that the arrival of Balloni to Ukraine has stirred our participation in the cultural sphere. This reveals in joint musical and theatrical projects, organization of exhibitions, learning and popularizing of the Italian language in Ukraine.”
“Official statistics shows the presence of Italian investments in Ukraine only partially. In reality, some of our companies’ largest investments were made through subsidiary foreign enterprises, and that is why they are not officially represented as Italian. For example, investment of the Unicredit Bank, which was one of the largest in the history of Ukraine, was carried out though Polish and Austrian subsidiaries and officially submitted as investments of these countries.”
Professor Balloni: “We have created a whole network of cultural centers at the major universities, like Mechnikov Odesa National University, Franko Lviv National University, Mariupol State University, etc. I think that Ukrainians’ interest in Italian language and culture is growing today. This can be said about universities as well as schools. For example, this week we have talked about creating a cultural center in Kharkiv and introducing the Italian language into the curriculum of one of Odesa schools. In June, the Ambassador will visit the Mariupol university and give diplomas to the first graduates who majored in the Italian language and literature.”
Are you interested in Ukrainian language and culture?
“If I were young, I would be happy to take up Ukrainian language. But I’m afraid my hard disc is filled with languages already (smiles). However, they say ‘never say never.’ I am interested in Ukrainian culture. I often go to concerts and theater performances. If I had more free time, I would love to do this on a daily basis. When I visit other cities, I try to meet directors of opera theaters, philharmonic societies, museum workers, university students and teachers.”
At the moment, the Embassy of Italy and the Italian Institute of Culture in Ukraine can be called leaders in patronage of the important cultural projects in our country. For example, the gala concert of the La Scala Theater Academy soloists and rehearsals of the Tchaikovsky National Academy of Music vocalist students, who would like to undergo training in Milan. Is it already known who will sit for examinations in Italy?
Professor Balloni: “A few students of the Tchaikovsky National Academy of Music were chosen during the rehearsal in Kyiv. In July, vocalists will have to take the exam, and if they pass, they might go for training to Milan. I want to remind that the La Scala Theater Academy holds an international contest, in which young singers from all over the world can compete. Jury members choose the best of the best, and about 10 people are picked for tuition every year (this number includes both Italian and foreign students). If one of the young Ukrainian singers passes the entrance exams, they will receive a grant and an opportunity to learn from the best vocal masters and improve their Italian. By the way, after the training is over, all of the Academy’s trainees have an opportunity to participate in the La Scala Theater performances.”
Our music lovers were extremely fond of the recent grand nights at the Philharmonic Society and the National Opera, dedicated to Giuseppe Verdi’s 200th birth anniversary. Will the tradition of joint performances on Kyiv stage be continued? Please, tell us about the closest scheduled events.
Professor Balloni: “A lot of joint large-scale projects were planned. For example, we restored the annual series of Italian music concerts at the National Philharmonic Society, and we plan to hold the grand festival “Ave Verdi” at the stage of Ukraine’s main opera house in October. A concert of classic music dedicated to the Day of Kyiv took place at the St. Sophia Square. Famous tenor Francesco Anile participated in it. On May 29, we are going to open the exhibition ‘European dimension. Three masterpieces of the classic art from Italian museums: Raphael, Titian, Guido Reni’ at the Khanenko National Museum of Arts. This exhibition is unique, because works by such great masters have never been brought to Ukraine and exhibited before. Next year, jointly with the Kyiv State City Council, we plan to hold a new extraordinary project, a large exhibition of art masterworks from the collections of the world-famous Florentine Uffizi Gallery. Its director has already agreed to participation in an exhibition in Kyiv.
“On June 9, an evening dedicated to Paganini and the outstanding Bohodar Kotorovych, who received an honor to play the great Genoese’s violin. After the Ambassador’s trip to Donetsk, we have established partner relations with the Donbass Opera management, and Petite messe solennelle by Gioachino Rossini will be performed there on June 19.”
Fabrizio Romano: “Well-known Italian conductor Daniele Agiman, who is an expert on Rossini’s work, will perform during the concert. Now Agiman is the head conductor of the Rossini Symphony Orchestra in Italy, he cooperates with Pesaro city council (where the composer was born); a festival dedicated to Rossini is held there every summer. Rossini is my favorite composer. By the way, Petite messe solennelle is Rossini’s late work, written in 1863, 20 years after his large work, Catholic sequence Stabat Mater and almost 35 years after finishing his career as an opera composer. Rossini himself called this work “‘the last sin of his old age.’”
Mr. Ambassador, you are known as a music lover. You attend theater plays and concerts often. What do you like the most?
“Opera is my priority. I like symphony music as well. Italy is the homeland of opera, and we have very rich traditions of it. By the way, I would like to remind that the first opera theater was opened in Venice in 1637. Lately, baroque and Renaissance music, including works by Monteverdi, was performed in concerts not only in Italy, but in Europe in general.
“Claudio Monteverdi’s work was innovative in many ways, it marks the transition from the Renaissance epoch to baroque in the history of music. Monteverdi worked in many genres of secular and church music. His madrigals and operas are the most remarkable, including Orpheus, an opera which is still performed these days. By the way, we are going to hold a concert ‘Monteverdi meets jazz’ at the Kyiv Philharmonic Society in October. La Venexiana featuring the outstanding soprano Roberta Mameli will perform during it.
“I am a frequent visitor to the National Opera of Ukraine. The quality of its plays is not inferior to those by leading Italian and world theaters. The perfect recent performance of Verdi’s Requiem is another proof of that.”
Last year, Female Choir of the Italian Spouses Association of the MFA of Italy performed in Kyiv for the first time. It was directed by your wife, pianist Nancy Romano.
“They sang very professionally. Though before the performance, my wife emphasized that the audience should not be too judgmental because the choir members were not professional vocalists, but amateurs. These are diplomats’ wives, they are of various nationalities, but all of them are very enthusiastic about music and singing. The choir has already recorded an album. Soon, a second one will be recorded in Italy, it will contain melodies of various countries and some classic pieces.”
Will Ukrainian music be included as well?
“It is already in it, the famous ‘Shchedryk’ by Leontovych. The choir has been on tour in Paris and Lisbon recently. Its concerts were a great success.”
Almost a year has passed since you started working in Ukraine. A few years ago, our newspaper carried out a survey “10 reasons to love Ukraine” among diplomats and businessmen who work in Ukraine. What are your 10 reasons?
“Not all of the ambassadors can choose their post, because this matter is decided by the government. But I was lucky, because I had a chance to choose Ukraine, since I love Eastern Europe very much. I have worked in Russia and Georgia, now I work in Ukraine, Europe’s largest country. Your country is very rich and diverse, with interesting traditions in the Crimea, in western part, in Odesa, in northern and eastern regions. Perhaps, not all Ukrainians know that the classic of English literature Joseph Conrad was born in Berdychiv, popular science fiction writer Stanislaw Lem was from Lviv, father of Italian detective genre, Giorgio Scerbanenco was born in Kyiv, and notorious author Eduard Limonov was born in Poltava oblast. Ukraine gave the world such genius composers as Mykola Lysenko and Serhii Prokofiev!
“I think, I have named quite a number of reasons.”
On June 2 you celebrate the main holiday of your country, Republic Day. Do Italians have any special traditions of celebrating this holiday?
“On June 2, 1946, Italian Republic was born. Italians came to elections to say final farewells to the monarchy, proclaim republic, switch to the republican way of governing, and choose the assembly representatives, who later were charged with writing the new Constitution of Italy. Republic Day became a state holiday in 2000. On June 2, a military parade moves down the Via dei Fori Imperiali from the Colosseum to the Capitoline hill. Airplanes spray the colors of the national flag in the sky above Rome. Concerts are held in other cities and fireworks light the sky at night.”
Judging from the photo in your office, you like skiing. Is this your hobby?
“I do not collect things. I like to ski whenever I have free time. I am an experienced skier, I have been doing it since childhood. We lived not far from Rome, on a mountain in the Apennines, so for many years, I go skiing every winter. In Kyiv I train in Protasiv Yar. This year, I started exercising there right after the first snowfall, in December I did it until Christmas, and then – till the end of the season. I am very happy because not every capital has places for mountain skiing within city limits. I am also an expert in wines. I tasted Ukrainian wines from Odesa and the Crimea. They are very good.”