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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Lviv National Art Gallery to celebrate its 107th anniversary

13 February, 2014 - 11:39
Photo by Yevhen KRAVS

The celebration will begin on February 14, and for the first time ever, the gallery will mark its anniversary under its new name of the Voznytsky National Gallery of Art, honoring Academician Borys Voznytsky (1926-2012), who was its director for more than half a century!

The promotion head of the Lviv National Art Gallery Ivanna Novakivska told The Day that on the occasion of anniversary, all of its departments [14th to 18th Century European Art Department at the Potocki Palace; 19th to 21st Century European Art Department; The Chapel of Boim family; Museum of Ancient Ukrainian Book; The Mermaid of the Dniester Museum; Museum of Lviv’s Most Ancient Monuments; Museum of Pinzel’s Sculpture; Museum-Workshop of Teodozia Bryzh; Museum of Mykhailo Dzyndra’s Modern Sculpture; Olesko, Zolochiv, Pidhirtsi and Zhovkva Castles; Shashkevych Mansion Museum; Piatnychany Tower; and Ivan Vyhovsky Museum. – Author.] will admit the public free of charge.

The 19th to 21st Century European Art Department, housed at the Picture Gallery at 3 Stefanyk Street, will host an exhibition of items from the gallery’s collection including 18th and 19th centuries’ Ukrainian and Western European paintings. On February 18, the gallery will celebrate the 85th birth anniversary of the famous sculptor Teodozia Bryzh.

By Tetiana KOZYRIEVA, The Day, Lviv