Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

New issue of Route No. 1 deals with the “magnets” of Kharkiv

Our creative team has prepared a unique guide to the Ukrainian “Pole of Force”
22 August, 2017 - 10:07

This 57th issue of our glossy magazine is dedicated to Kharkiv as a gift to the city just as it celebrates the City Day on August 23. The title Kharkiv: The Smart City sets certain coordinates, but we are talking not only about modernity and latest technologies.

“One has some very good reasons to say ‘Enough with it, I am postponing all my appointments and go to see Kharkiv!’” Den’s editor-in-chief Larysa Ivshyna asserts in her traditional column. “There is a very rich choice of places to go to in that city, as it offers a diverse menu in its eateries, nice stores, a good-looking central street, parks, a modernized open market, and an opera house...

But there is another location that I advise you to start with – the Sloboda Ukraine Museum of Archeology and Ethnography at the Karazin National University. You need to go there to set your sights well, as it houses one of the largest collections anywhere of exhibits dating back to the Bronze Age, the Scythian era, the Ancient Greek period, the Cherniakhiv and Saltiv cultures... The city sits on a mighty ‘matrix.’” It was Den’s editor-in-chief who dubbed Kharkiv the “Pole of Force,” and we prove it in the latest issue of our glossy supplement. Look, the city is known as a major industrial, university, and research center (by the way, did you know that three Nobel laureates had worked in the city? If not, we are telling this story in the magazine). However, there are many other strata which make up the city code. One of the key ones was created by Hryhorii Skovoroda. The fresh issue of the Route No. 1 tells a lot about the Garden of Songs collection created by the great philosopher in the nearby village of Skovorodynivka.

“It just does not make sense to list all the outstanding Ukrainian writers connected with Kharkiv, as there is not enough space to do so,” noted our contributor Oleh Kotsarev. However, he still described in the magazine the most prominent figures who became the symbols of good style and changed our literature. Also, writer Serhii Zhadan explained to the Route’s team why he would like to live out his life in Kharkiv...

Kharkiv is also a major sports center. This city is home to Elina Svitolina, who makes Ukraine proud as she rises ever higher in the world ranking of tennis players almost on a weekly basis. And despite the busy schedule, the athlete took time to give us an exclusive interview!

We were surprised to find out that three of the four golf courses in Ukraine were located in Kyiv and one in Kharkiv. The latter is not a run-of-the-mill venue either, but rather a real golf resort of the European level. Incidentally, it is a great lure for foreign tourists. The owner of this golf resort is the businessman and philanthropist Yurii Sapronov, with whom we discussed various dimensions of the city’s development today, ranging from economic to social and educational.

And, of course, we “made a stop” at the Kharkiv Station – one of the largest volunteer centers in this country. It personifies the new image of Kharkiv, which, as Ivshyna observed in her column, “has emerged in recent years, when the city has so bravely defended itself.” Volunteer Yulia Pimenova told Route No. 1 the story of the Kharkiv Station which had helped more than 100,000 people over three years.

…Now, if you want to just wander around the city to feel its atmosphere, our creative team has prepared a guide for this case too. We got help in this from the creator of the Kharkovskie Starosti website Filip Dykan. Some more tourist tips appear there thanks to a few long-standing Kharkivites who told us about their favorite nooks and crannies of the city.

So, the hardest thing to do in Kharkiv is not to get lost among its many dimensions. Be sure that our glossy magazine will help you plan a unique route through the city. Thus, meet Kharkiv: The Smart City as soon as August 22 at newsstands or order a copy at Den’s online store on our website or by calling the sales department (044) 303 96 23.

By Maria PROKOPENKO, The Day