Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

The time of mulled wine is the time of good deeds

Fresh Route No. 1 tells about the way of creating a festive atmosphere not only for yourself, but also for those who need it the most
9 December, 2015 - 17:23

The beginning of winter is a special time of anticipating holidays, hence – the miracles. And you should spend this time not only for fun, but also with use. This is the time of positive ideas and good deeds. Actually, our new Route No. 1 is exactly about this.

“We have a motto, ‘Stay warm with Den/The Day!’ It’s a call to support one another with energy. To look around and see every time for whom you can make a warm gesture. Today there are many points where spiritual power can be applied, and Christmas holidays are the best opportunity. Therefore we must think about our own ‘recipe of the Christmas pie,’ which may consist of various deeds, because this is a great image,” Den/The Day’s Editor-in-Chief Larysa Ivshyna writes in her traditional column. “This is an opportunity for people to reconsider the holidays. For people who understand that this is not about a fireplace, candles, or the aroma of homemade cookies, but above all the attempts to bring home comfort to people who need it the most, and stimulate as many good actions as possible.”

Larysa Ivshyna recalls in her introductory column how during the mayoralty of Volodymyr Chaika St. Nicholas returned to Mykolaiv and breathed life into the Soviet city. In this Route No. 1 we talked with the newly elected mayor of Mykolaiv Oleksandr Senkevych and found out how he would transform the city into a modern and innovative one, but yet having its own historical face.

To create this special mood, the creative team of Den compiled for you a detailed and very interesting guide across the Ukrainian winter holidays. With Route No. 1. Time of Mulled Wine you will learn the history of every holiday, from St. Andrew’s Day to Epiphany. You can choose the important attributes of celebration and gifts for friends and dear people, as well as those who need a bit of warmth, kindness, and miracle. You will plan your trips, choose books, music, and films to fit your mood.

And if you like to spend winter holidays at home with your family or friends, mulled wine recipes from different corners of the world will go for you. Isn’t it great, to make hot and aromatic wine, get under a warm plaid, and open the festive Route No. 1?

So, ask about the 38th-39th issue of the Den’s monthly glossy supplement, Route No. 1. Time of Mulled Wine at press stands starting from December 11 or order it on Den/The Day’s website.
