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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Volodymyr Denysenko

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Статті автора

26.04.2005 - 00:00
Last Wednesday a Kyiv-based mobile border security unit officially presented some waterborne vehicles and rescue equipment to coast guard and border security servicemen. The Coast Guard Fleet will now have two more Galeon-280 coast guard boats, 7 small UMS-600 cutters, 10 Galia-640, and fourteen...
19.04.2005 - 00:00
On March 29 the European Court of Human Rights ruled against Ukraine in the case of Ukraine vs. the Ukrainian Press Group, The Day’s publisher, and found Ukraine guilty of suppressing freedom of the press. This ruling was examined in detail in the April 12 issue of The Day . The ruling established...
22.03.2005 - 00:00
Prof. Petro KRALIUK, Ostrih Academy National University: Suppose we proceed from the assumption that May 9 became a propaganda show in the Soviet Union, with WWII veterans often used as extras. Since 1965, when it became a red-letter day, Soviet propaganda purposefully formed in people’s minds the...
15.03.2005 - 00:00
Last weekend Kyivans and guests of the capital were made welcome in city parks and other places where the Masliana (Butter or Pancake Week before Lent) was celebrated, marking the departure of winter and the coming of spring (traditionally greeted with food and drink, especially all kinds of...
01.02.2005 - 00:00
A photo exhibition entitled “The Orange Moment in Life” opened at the Ukrainian House on January 22 simultaneously with the press center of Yushchenko’s presidential inauguration. The exhibit, featuring 304 works by twelve photo correspondents from leading Ukrainian publications, is dedicated to...
07.12.2004 - 00:00
“Ukraine: Unitarianism, Federalism or Disintegration?” was the theme of the first session of the Ukrainian Club established by political scientists who represent this country’s leading analytical centers. “We are aware that a way out of the crisis can only be found if experts study a number of...
23.11.2004 - 00:00
An opportunity to present new editions and establish business contacts, the Book World Fair also featured numerous roundtables that were convened to identify cultural problems and discuss ways of solving them. The problems ranged from purely professional ones to general questions. Does Ukraine have...
12.10.2004 - 00:00
The Day congratulated the special winners of its annual photo contest last Thursday. The jury, made up of 1,173 spectators (the exact number of ballots cast during the exhibit at the Ukrainian Home), named Dmytro Havrysh (The Street) winner of the Viewers’ Choice trophy (64 votes); the second prize...
28.09.2004 - 00:00
The Day marked its birthday traditionally, by making presents. Last Friday, its eighth anniversary was marked at the Ukrainian House in Kyiv, including an exposition featuring the best works of its fourth photo exhibit (which will remain open till October 30) and the third book of the Library...
28.09.2004 - 00:00
Most Ukrainians think that social conflicts involving the use of force are not likely in the immediate future, according to a recent opinion poll conducted between September 9 and 14 by the Razumkov Center for Economic and Political Research. According to Interfax- Ukraine, the poll was conducted...
