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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert
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From mysticism to art

27 June, 2013 - 11:12
Vintage cars from Beijing-Paris rally rode the streets of Lviv / Photo by Yevhen KRAVS

The first cars, participating in the International Rally Beijing-Paris, began to ar­rive to Lviv on June 22. And on the morning of June 23 with plenty of souvenirs and positive impression of Ukrainian hos­pi­ta­lity the participants of the rally headed for the Ukrainian-Slovak border. Riflemen from Lviv Trigger So­ciety, dressed in Cossack cos­tu­mes, saluted the launch of the rally heading from Lviv to Slo­va­kia from the ancient Cossack fi­rearms. Es­pe­cially for the ce­re­mo­nial start the Lviv Theater of His­to­rical Miniatures “Mrs. Courage” prepared retro costumes of the time, when the cars, par­ti­ci­pating in rally, were produced. The crew of No. 89 Shubun Kitami (JP) / Hiro­fumi Igarashi (JP) riding Bentley MkVI (pro­duced in 1951) re­cei­ved, per­haps, the greatest plea­sure from com­municating with the Uk­rai­nian Cossacks. Mr. Shu­bun told that he came from an an­cient sa­mu­rai family and with curiosity eyed the Cossack saber…

The rally Beijing-Paris brought together 96 crews from 26 countries. Automobi­lists started the rally from the Great China Wall on May 28 and in 32 days have to drive across eight countries. The mandatory requirement for participation in the rally is the age of a car, which must be at least 30 years of age. The oldest car of the rally this year is the centenary Ford Model T. Being a participant of this rally is both prestigious and rather expensive. The entry fee is 40,000 British pounds. Currently, there is no Ukrainian crew in the race. Of all the former Soviet Union countries there is only one team No. 61 riding Moskvich-412.
Rally Beijing-Paris is held once every three years. This year the route of vintage cars went through Ukraine for the first time.

By Pavlo PALAMARCHUK, Yevhen KRAVS, Lviv