Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Alisa Antonenko

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Статті автора

05.09.2018 - 18:13
A Ukrainian-made film was awarded a prize at the 75th Venice International Festival, one of the world’s largest cine forums.“It is a very important award which clearly demonstrates competitiveness of the Ukrainian film industry. Ukrainian cinema is making itself known not only on the...
18.06.2018 - 17:31
An exposition of over 20 pictures by the well-known Transcarpathian master Serhii Biba and his schoolboy son Davyd has opened at the Consulate General of Slovakia in Uzhhorod.“To create is to search. Our life is a never-ending process, movement, and learning. This is why the exhibit is...
18.04.2018 - 15:52
The exhibition features works from the series “Benelux” and “Around Europe.” The artist was among the leading masters of Ukrainian easel and book graphic in the 1960s-1970s. The works of Heorhii Malakov (1928-79) reflect a bright individuality, high-level craftsmanship, and...
16.04.2018 - 15:40
The exhibition is displayed in the rooms of the 18th-19th-century architectural monument “Khlibnia,” which is part of the building complex of St. Sophia Cathedral. The exposition is called “Passion according to Yurii.” Visitors can see copies of wall paintings from...
11.04.2018 - 15:44
Works of this talented Kyiv artist, art historian, teacher, and art critic fascinate with their craftsmanship, because they are decorative panels made of... straw, which, by their artistic qualities, are not inferior to works of painting! The artist prepared her exhibition for the Easter holiday....
26.03.2018 - 17:09
The exposition comprises 66 paintings by Maria Nelep (1929-2005). It is a new name for naive art appreciators. Exhibit organizers say Nelep’s work is in the same line with that of such world-famous masters of naive painting as Kateryna Bilokur, Hanna Shabatura, Nykyfor Drovniak, Ivan...
21.03.2018 - 18:10
It will be recalled that Polish film director Piotr Domalewski is going to make a historical drama, Felix Austria, based on the bestseller of the same name by Ukrainian writer Sofia Andrukhovych. The novel has been nominated for the Jean Monnet Prize, a French literary award. This prestigious prize...
26.02.2018 - 17:10
The film Cyborgs, telling the story of the heroic defenders of the Donetsk Airport, has got its theater release extended until mid-March, Media Detector reported, citing the distributor company Ukrainian Film Distribution (UFD) which is distributing it.This is due to the picture’s release in...
12.02.2018 - 16:29
This year, the well-known master, People’s Artist of Ukraine, corresponding member of the Department of Fine Arts of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine Mykola Bilyk is nominated for the Shevchenko Prize for his monument to Hetman Ivan...
23.01.2018 - 10:45
The Museum of Kyiv History and the Blue Evening gallery are holding an exhibit of Oleksa Zakharchuk (1929-2013), a brilliant representative of 1960s artists. The legendary Tetiana Yablonska spoke very warmly about her colleague’s oeuvre: “The glorifier of native nature, Oleksa...
