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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Yulia Bentia

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Статті автора

26.10.2015 - 16:34
The 26th International Festival “Kyiv Music Fest” has ended. Its events that are worth of attention included the performance of Canadian ensemble Gryphon Trio. Its lineup includes violinist Annalee Patipatanakoon, cellist Roman Borys, and pianist Jamie Parker. It is beyond doubt that...
19.08.2015 - 17:32
This tour of the famed band “I, CULTURE Orchestra,” conducted by Kyrylo Karabyts (Kirill Karabits), will be a special one. The youth orchestra comprising talented performers under 28 years old, coming from seven Eastern Partnership countries (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Armenia, Georgia,...
30.10.2014 - 11:29
At first we met with Leonid Hra­bovsky, who lives in New York, at the launch of Ivan Dziuba’s book On three continents. During our con­versation we mentioned the numerous scores of the composer that are pre­served at the Central State Archive Mu­seum of Literature and Art of...
05.06.2013 - 17:45
Petro Ivanovych Rulin (1892-1940) is a cult figure in the milieu of Ukrainian theatergoers, although he is not much known to the man in the street. Father of the Ukrainian drama study, a prominent theatrical critic, a literature researcher, founder of the Ukrainian Theatrical Museum at the Kyiv...
16.05.2013 - 10:24
Almost every opera singer in Kyiv strives to get into the company of the National Opera House. But Olha Chubareva chose a different path, she became a soloist of the National Philharmonic Society and eventually benefited from it. The repertoire of classic theater assumes stability and uniformity,...
04.04.2013 - 10:55
On April 4 artistic-do­cu­mentary ex­hibition “Infor­mal Faces of Clas­sics. Car­toons, ca­ri­ca­tu­res, and epigrams from funds of the CSAMLA of Ukraine” dedicated to the Day of Humor will open at the con­fe­ren­ce hall of the Central...
20.11.2012 - 00:00
A document-and-book exhibit dedicated to the life and oeuvre of the great 20th-century Ukrainian prose writer Pavlo Zahrebelny will remain open at a gallery of the Central State Archive-cum-Museum of Ukrainian Literature and Art (CSAMULA) until November 25. The first publicly-displayed...
16.10.2012 - 00:00
Ancient photos of the Central Archives of Literature and Arts, located next to St. Sophia Cathedral, can be seen in some monographs dedicated to Ukrainian classics composers. And this is no wonder, since this building was initially erected as the St. Sophia Seminary in the middle of the 18th...
14.06.2012 - 00:00
Yurii Shevchenko, just like a border guard, rises between two sovereign states – theater and music. Both of these “states” are his creative homeland, crossing border is visa free and contacts with foreigners are welcome. Shevchenko is capable of hearing music with the ears of a...
31.05.2012 - 00:00
This Khmelnytsky-born violinist belongs to the constellation of outstanding Ukrainian artistes of young generation, who have made brilliant world careers. Andrej Bielow, who has been residing in Germany for quite a while, has attended two symbolical events which took place in Kyiv. He took part...
